Friday 25 March 2011

The answer to the question why?

Why create a blog? That is hard to answer with any certainty.
At this point I am able to say whatever I feel the need to, without concern that anyone will see it. I am amused by that. It is kind of the equivalent of going out without panties, and no one knows. I don't know why that analogy comes to mind either, or why biology is the study of life and analogy is not the study of... well you know. Just one of life's mysteries, like why people at work put a wadded up bunch of paper towels under the coffee drip instead of just emptying out the old used coffee filter into the garbage.
I am definitely one of the most anal retentive people I know. For most of my life I had to be mute. I don't want to be that anymore. There are things to be said, cleansing must be done. Detoxification of the emotional bowels. Again, that makes me give an inner giggle, cuz folks believe me.. I KNOW what all is in there, and the rest of you best duck and cover, cuz ya know.. this just might blow. Collateral damage might occur.
O, and I believe the short answer is, why not?

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Tool Logic

My son gave me a Tool Logic card a year or so ago, I carry it with me all the time and seem to use it at least once a day or more. I was tucking it back into my bag when I thought of how useful something like that might be right now to the tsunami survivors in Japan. It has a small LED light, a knife, tweezers and opener, and the one linked above also has flint for fire starting. I turned it over and read on the back: Seki, Gifl, Japan. 
hmmm Irony.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Charlie Who?

We in the west can be thankful for many things regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami. The fact that Charlie Sheen is no longer front page news is not the least of these. The media was obviously desperate for something to gag us with and Mr. Sheen eagerly provided them with fodder. Did anyone actually truly CARE what that one pathetic megalomaniac ranted on and on ad-nauseum about?
As with any typical abusive personality, Mr. Sheen blames everyone else for any discord in his life. His “o woe is me”,  “I want $3 million per“ when placed beside recent events in Japan, is shown for exactly what it is. Disgusting, abusive, greedy and shamefully ignorant.
To put this in perspective, picture if you can stomach it, Charlie Sheen on his roof waving a machete, "parenting" his two toddlers with guns and "goddesses" .. (insert dumb blondes with bi'uns here) in his home, and then this: